Plumbing: Uponor Wirsbo 1/2" HEPEX hose and Continuous Insulation Tubing Uponor A1250500

Plumbing: Uponor Wirsbo 1/2" HEPEX hose and Continuous Insulation Tubing Uponor A1250500
Plumbing: Uponor Wirsbo 1/2" HEPEX hose and Continuous Insulation Tubing Uponor A1250500 - фотография #2
Plumbing: Uponor Wirsbo 1/2" HEPEX hose and Continuous Insulation Tubing Uponor A1250500 - фотография #3
Plumbing: Uponor Wirsbo 1/2" HEPEX hose and Continuous Insulation Tubing Uponor A1250500 - фотография #4
Бренд: Uponor
~ 25 673 ₽ 280.00 $


Modified Item Yes
Country/Region of Manufacture United States
Custom Bundle Yes
Modification Description HEPEX is the last ~300ft of a 1,000ft coil.
Bundle Description HEPEX Hose and Armacell Insulation come together.